Important Notice - Unfortunately we are experiencing longer than normal processing times. We appreciate your patience!
Once your return package has been delivered to us, please allow our returns team 15-20 business days to inspect and process the item(s).
If you are making an exchange, please allow our returns team 15-20 business days to inspect and process your return before your exchange order is created.
Upon your return package's delivery and processing, the cost of the returned item(s) will be issued to the original method of payment used when placing the order. This can take 3-5 business days to process. Please note that return label costs are deducted from the total refund amount for the item(s) being returned.
Exchanges can only be processed for an alternate size — the product and color itself must remain the same. Once the process has begun through our portal, this step will automatically populate for you. If stock for the item is unavailable, a refund for the returned product(s) will be issued.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our Support Team!